We are a team of biologists and computational biologists working to address key challenges in epigenetics, with a focus on understanding the cellular and molecular dynamics that underlie development and disease.

Di Liu(刘迪)
PhD Student
I am currently a PhD student in Biology at Fudan University, primarily focusing on wet experimental research. I graduated from Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Currently engrossed in studying single-cell multi-omics technologies, I aspire to leverage this technology to gain insights into the mechanisms underlying early embryonic development. Apart from academics, I enjoy traveling immensely and aspire to witness every breathtaking landscape in China.
Xinran Wang(王心然)
Research Intern
I am a undergraduate student from Fudan University, majoring in biology working on the study of single-cell transcriptomics during development. Have utilized both dry and wet laboratory techniques in my past studies, I am interested to explore the multidimensional regulatory mechanisms of development and disease through single-cell omics, aiming to uncover the regulatory mechanisms of individual heterogeneity phenotypes. Outside of work, I enjoy swimming and hoping one day to swim across Changjiang River.